Reflection on the Group Project

This week we had our final presentation infront of the whole class, along with a few guests. It was very interesting to see how all the other groups interpreted the brief that was given to us. There was a very wide range of topics discussed in the class and everyone seemed to have done a lot of great work. 

For the green team, we put a lot of work in the final few days leading up the presentation. I think everyone worked very well as a whole, however, I think there are a few things we could’ve done differently. 

At the very beginning of the project, we assigned each person specific research topics to base their slides off. This was productive, however we were not working as collaboratively as we could have. I think a better way of going about this would be to have assigned specific roles. For example, if one person was in charge of layout and graphics, it would have made for a much more cohesive group presentation. I believe we should have had a team leader, 2 researchers, graphic designer and collator. This way we would have worked together a lot more and it would have come across a lot more in the presentation. 

Finally, I think we should have assigned a specific time and day each week for a team meeting. This would have made the whole process  a lot more organised and there would have been a lot more communication between everyone. 

Overall, I think everyone put in a lot of work and it came out successful.

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