Welcome to my blog where I will be discussing online life and experiences in Second Life!

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Reflection on the Group Project

This week we had our final presentation infront of the whole class, along with a few guests. It was very interesting to see how all the other groups interpreted the brief that was given to us. There was a very wide range of topics discussed in the class and everyone seemed to have done a…


“Man has done nothing but blithely break down billions of structures and reduce them to a state in which they are no longer capable of integration.” Claude Lévi-Strauss (1.) This weeks discussion on sustainability and the effects humans have had on the Earth. Very alarming statistics are constantly being shown to us by scientists, yet…

What Will Digital Citizenship be like in 50 Years?

This weeks topic of discussion was about advances in technology. Our guest speaker, Valerie Hill, discussed the advances in literacy throughout the years, and how these advances are continuously accelerating as time goes on. She also spoke about how we are already in the age of ‘metamodernism’. The internet has become the biggest information database…

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